Sunday 10 March 2013

Evaluate how your product used, developed or challenged the form and conventions of real media products

Title (1)
  • ·    Black background with white plain text
  •     Gives the impression of eeriness, a typical style for a thrillers 
  •     Suits the unexpected style of our genre

Credits (2)
  • Follow the same style of the title
  • Appear after we see each character
  • Black background again so its avoids a ‘busy’ screen
  • We wanted to have simple credits from the very beginning as we knew from our research that having upbeat, animated credits would not fit the genre due to its realistic nature

Characters (3)
  • Thriller films are all about the unexpected happening and the consequence of silly mistakes. With this in mind we had to make our film as realistic as possible that could happen in real life
  •  Characters used in thrillers generally have a dark, mysterious side to them that leads to the events that take place
  • They tend to come from broken homes and have some criminal background as well as being white males as the main characters
  •  Our main characters are young females which is common in thrillers
  • The girls' home life isn’t really elaborated upon a part from the sense that they are not struggling financially due to the use of mise-en- scéne
  • The casting that our film went for broke the general conventional genre as the typical main character is a man in his mid-20’s with a high sex appeal. Our characters are both young, white females and play on the ‘innocent’ factor that would make them the ideal victim.
  • The mother leaves the girls home alone and is not seen again in the 2 minutes after she leaves the house - absent parents are a genre convenetion as this leaves the young characters alone and vulnerable.
  • (6) The ‘villain’ is our piece is a typical kidnapper. The man’s face is not shown clearly as it is hidden behind a hood and over powers the older sister which is a usual stereotype in that the kidnappers always are stronger than their victims.
  • The use of vulnerable characters is a common trait in a thriller film.

  • Typical thrillers are set in the suburbs where everything appears to be safe - but isn't.
  • Often under-recognised cast members are used to create a sense of reality. These actors would be of average looks (yet if the main character is based around a young adult, he generally would have a sex appeal to entice the female audience) to make them more believable.
  • The location is the home where both the girls live. We left shoes and bags around to give the impression the house was ‘lived’ in
  •  (5) The location never ventured from the house itself but ventured into many of the rooms inside it
  • The costumes were casual and nothing that would distract the audience from the action taking place
  • The villain is dressed in dark clothing that doesn't reveal much about his person only that he didn't want to be recognised. This is common in thrillers as witnesses would end up dead due to them knowing his face.
  • (9) Another proper used is the photo frame containing a picture of both the sisters together. This clearly shows the audience that Ellie misses her sister and possibly regrets nagging her to play hide and seek. Both sisters are seen to be smiling and appear to be quite close to each other. This moment allows the audience to guess or predict what the younger sister’s intentions are.
  • Use of photographs is common in thrillers as they always have a story that link into the situation that the lead role is involved in. As the father of the girls is neither mentioned nor seen, this could easily be used as a stimulus for the back story as he could have been a criminal that got into trouble and now his children are been kidnapped in return.

Camera Work
  • We used a variety of shots in our film to convey the relationship the sisters have with one another.
  • (4) We used shot reverse shot and two shots to show the closeness of the siblings despite seeing the younger sisters annoying tendencies.
  • The use of close ups help portray the emotion being felt at a specific moment in our film. This allows the audience to be placed more sympathetically towards one character over another e.g. During the younger sisters nightmare we see the distraught look on her face which helps builds her ‘heroic’ attitude later on in the film.

  • (7) We used ellipsis in our film to allow time to pass which was created simply by fades in and out and cross dissolves which allows scenes to change into another
  • We used cross cutting shots from the younger sister’s reaction to her older sister being kidnapped which shows the audience the strong sense of panic occurring in this scene. This is a common technique in thrillers as it builds up a climax with the use of tension to the scene.

  • We had no enhanced sound in post-production as we felt it wasn't necessary, yet debates are on-going to whether dramatic music is needed for the kidnapping scene. We just had normal ambient sounds which I personally found gave a more realistic feel to the overall atmosphere.
  • Dialogue is in constant use as it reflects both siblings characters and feelings towards each other e.g. the older sister telling the younger sister to leave her alone due to the work she has to do in an authoritative  tone to which the younger sister ignores and proceeds to annoyingly beg
  • (8) Match on action with sound was used as this highlighted the strong emotion triggered at this point. 

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