Monday, 10 December 2012

Concerns Before Filming

As we are now coming up to our filming day, we share some concerns about it, that we will only really be able solve on the day of filming if we were going to: 
  • We originally wanted to film when it was dark but we are aware that without expensive lighting equipment, this can result in poor quality filming.  However this can put a bit of a twist on our story as it can still be frightening in daylight.
  • Another concern that we have it is that we won't get every shot that we want and then when it comes to editing we may not have the shot we originally wanted. Sometimes in the past we have realised that a shot is missing only when it comes to editing, and although you can go back and refilm, this makes continuity very difficult.
  • Another concern was that our chosen actresses were not going to fit the role that we have chosen for them. We don't have much drama experience in our group, and we are also relying on a Year 7 actress who we will have to direct and explain exactly what we want from her. As we all know our pieec, we know what we want to achieve with each shot, and we hope we are able to explain this clearly to the Yeat 7 actress so that she understand what look we are hoping for.

1 comment:

  1. When we were filming, I was concerned that the lighting would be an issue because we were filming at a house and the lighting would have been out of our control than it would at an actual filming studio. I was also concerned that our actor that we used for playing the younger sister at the start of the film wouldn't match me.

    Shannon Dunne
