Saturday 27 October 2012

Analysis of Opening Sequence - How to Lose a Guy in 1o Days in

Scene Summaries- How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

The film has quite a fast paced beginning as the opening credits are actually a backstory to the main character who is a journalist. The beginning opens to quite poppy danceable music with flashes of magazine covers which reveals to us that the main character is a journalist and works for a woman’s magazine, Composure. The credits to the film are shown as part of the magazines so that it blends in well with theme of the film. As the woman is a problem page writer, a small bit of action is shown before the page of text with the article is shown which to reveals the authors name which is Andie Anderson. This gives a slight insight into what the woman has to write about as part of her job. The film then actually starts with an establishing shot of an office in which sets the scene as being the head office where the journalists work, this is shown by a screen which says Composure on it. It then moves on to a POV shot of a piece of text which Andie Anderson has written as a new article so she is reading it to a fellow colleague, we then are shown the title of the piece of writing which is a complete contrast to what we had been previously shown at the beginning. Her colleague then gives her feedback on the piece of work which is shown in a 2 shot showing their closeness as friends.

Screen Shot and Titles and Credits- How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

The titles and credits are a part of the actual beginning of the film as they help to set the scene. The credits appear in the little shots of action as well as magazine front covers to help us understand the back story yet allow us to see the information that is necessary, this does though become distracting.


After the Titles and Credits have been shown, just before the film actually starts a plain black screen with the film title is centred in the middle of the screen. It has “lose a guy” in different shades of pink to show that it is from a woman’s perspective as pink is stereotyped to be a woman’s favourite colour. The other five words are in white and allow the pink text to stand out.

When there is a bit of action at the beginning, there is an article that is produced afterwards in which Andie has written for her “How To:”page in Composure.
This is a close up of the character Andie upside down. Shallow focus is used as we are not shown where she is hanging upside down.

This is a mid shot of the shot before which enables us to see where Andie is, which is the gym. Her facial expressions possibly show that she is uncomfortable and bored as there is a lack of expression on her face.

This then is an article describing Andie’s trip to the gym as part of her “How To:” page, this allows us to gain more insight into her character as we understand her job role.

This mid shot establishes the scene in which takes place after as it is the entrance of Composure magazine.

The two shot shows the closeness between the two women as they appear to have quite happy facial expressions.

Use Of Sound- How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

The music starts as soon as the very first logo is shown on screen. The music is quite upbeat and poppy giving us a cheery buzz towards the beginning as we see the funny side to all the articles that Andie writes. This music gives an overall feel-good atmosphere which tells us this is a light-hearted film.

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